Aliansi Program Magister Manajemen Indonesia (APMMI)

Quality Standard for Management Education

The Indonesian Masters of Management Program Alliance (APMMI) positions itself as an institution that provides guidelines for the best practices of MM education in order to improve the quality of MM education in Indonesia.

APMMI is expected to be an institution that can provide motivation and set operational guidelines for its members to achieve national MM education quality standards, which are able to produce graduates who are in line with the times and meet the needs of national business and management practices.

In the future, APMMI is expected to be able to cooperate with international MBA program accrediting institutions (such as AACSB International), to carry out the accreditation process for MM programs in Indonesia, so as to encourage national MM programs to meet international quality standards in accordance with the aims and objectives of establishing APMMI.


APMMI is expected to be a forum for MM programs in Indonesia to:

  1. Improve their professional abilities and responsibilities.
  2. Develop and maintain cooperation between various MM programs in Indonesia.
  3. Maintaining the dignity, honor and quality of graduates and the quality of the implementation of MM education programs in Indonesia.

Based on the expectations of the establishment of APMMI above, the vision and mission of APMMI can be formulated as follows (source: APMMI Articles of Association):

Our Vision

  1. Become an organization that is able to give a sense of pride and honor to the Master of Management program that is a member.
  2. Serves as an effective and efficient communication medium for members in order to improve academic and non-academic quality.
  3. Become a forum for members to take part nationally, regionally, and internationally.

Our Mision

  1. Increase the spirit of togetherness in organizing a quality Master of Management Education.
  2. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with the government and other parties who have the same goal, both at home and abroad.
  3. Maintain and develop cooperation among members.

Objectives APMMI

APMMI has the following objectives:


Encourage regular meetings and contacts


Discuss common problems


Gaining common ground on important issues


Help improve the quality of the MM Program


Collaborating with industry


Finalize the aspirations of members to be submitted to the authorities

Scope of Activities

Scope of Activities APMMI

Membership Information